
Tick Overview

Many people believe that ticks are insects, but they are actually parasitic arachnids. They have a head and one large segment of their body with eight legs. They attach to the host and they feed solely on the blood of the host to which they attach. They are found all over the world and there are hundreds of different species of ticks. They have 4 different life stages: egg, larva, nymph, and adult. Ticks are able to bite once they reach the larval stage.



Ticks are found in all four corners of the globe as long as the area has the right conditions that they need. These particular conditions include having the right hosts and the right climate. They are able to flourish in warm humid climates because they need to have a certain amount of humidity in order to go through their metamorphosis stages.

The habitats that they live in also need to have the right types of hosts for them to attach to. Different species of ticks will attach to different types of animals including marsupials, mammals, birds, and reptiles. It all depends on the geographical area in which they live and the type of host the particular species prefers. Differently sized ticks will attach to different sized animals. For example, ticks that are smaller or in earlier life stages will attach to smaller animals, like squirrels and rabbits, and attach to larger animals as they grow in size.

Contact With Humans

Ticks attach to their host animal in order to feed on their blood. They will feed until they are fully engorged and then they will fall off. Many times, they make their way into people’s yards when they fall off of a host. They may also travel short distances in order to find hosts in which to attach to. They can be found throughout your yard and on the vegetation that surrounds your home.


The most serious danger that ticks pose is the different diseases that they can carry. They contract a wide range of diseases from the different hosts that they attach to. The most dangerous disease that they transmit is Lyme’s disease. This is a disease that can leave lifelong effects and can even cause serious complications.


There are a few things that people can do aside from calling their local pest control professionals so that they can apply a chemical repellent. People need to make sure to keep their lawns mowed and the leaf litter removed from their lawns. They may also want to put gravel or wood chips between wooded areas and the recreational areas of their yard.


Licensed, Trusted Pest Control Services

At Fleming Lawn and Pest Services, we protect your home or business with superior care. Unlike the “Big Pest Control companies” we don’t pay our technicians based on how many locations they treat in a day.
