
Ask These Questions To A Pest Control Service Provider Before Hiring!

January 13th, 2022 by

There are some pest problems that you’ll be capable of solving by using a mixture of preventative measures and DIY techniques. However, there are instances where pest problems turn into complex or big to cope with alone.

If you have an infestation of pests in your house, you can’t just hire anyone from the road to help you in eliminating pests. Hiring a dependable, knowledgeable professional is essential. This blog will provide you with a few questions you have to ask a pest control service provider before hiring.

How Long Have You Been Providing Pest Control Services?

An excellent method to gauge the knowledge of a pest professional is to ask for how long they’re in this line of work. Usually, the longer a company has been in a business, the more acquaintance they have. And, the more ability they’ve for treating a pest infestation.

Needless to say, you should never consider choosing a new company. If you contact a business that doesn’t have much experience, make sure to collect customer references and ask for testimonials.

Can You Share Client References?

If a pest control company has a flourishing history, it should be happy to provide you with client testimonials and references. If a company is unwilling to offer you recommendations or, as a minimum, testimonials, it’s a better idea to search for another company.

Have You Trained Your Exterminators?

Every pest control technician is needed to pass tests to ensure they can eliminate pests from a house. Additionally, all exterminators and technicians are needed to take sufficient education to treat pests in a house.

You should select experts who’ll fulfill these necessities. There’re many things to find out other than only selecting a spray and applying a pesticide!

Do You Use Safe Pest Control Treatments For People And Pets?

The treatments you pick must be intended for killing pests only and should be safe for people and pets. Make sure that you have asked the professional – chiefly if you have foreign pets. The biology and metabolism of non-mammal pets can be overstated by pest control treatments. Any reliable pest control company has to be able to explain why their treatments are safe.

The Final Thoughts

Discovering a dependable pest control company to help you rid your pests doesn’t have to be hard. Asking the right questions may save you headaches and money in the form of poor service. So, ensure that you have asked these important questions while contacting a service provider.

Bed Bugs Infestation: Is It Important To Hire An Exterminator?

January 8th, 2022 by

Bed bugs are one of the clingiest pests that shift from host to host and may be passed on easily by guests in hotel stays, houses, and even in public transport. It makes getting bed bugs quite easy. And, while it’s tricky to prevent them, there’re suggested actions if you get into this situation.

You can call professional exterminators to save you from the situation and also to offer some tips to keep yourself away from them.

They’ll understand the panic you’re feeling and will take care of the bed bug infestation immediately, whether it is in your business or home. Here’re some important things you need to know in this regard.

Why Can’t You Get Rid Of Bed Bugs By Yourself?

Several DIY websites will state that you will be able to kill bed bugs using some natural remedies, including essential oils such as tea tree, peppermint, lavender oils, or rubbing alcohol. Where a few of these remedies are advantageous, these solutions will need you to see every pest and apply products on them.

Bed bugs are good at finding hidden places. That is how they survive. Their tiny size makes it simple for them to go unobserved even when they aren’t hiding. The possibility that you’ll find them all and apply home remedies to them is almost impossible.

A single living mated female may re-infest in your property within some months. Making use of these DIY home remedies, you’re more likely to end up with peppermint-smelling furniture than to find a solution to the bed bug problem.

Do Bed Bug Insecticides And Spray Actually Work?

There are many bed bug insecticides and sprays on the market. Like DIY home remedies, they typically are not incredibly effective unless you know the accurate position of the bed bugs and the places they are hiding.

Bed bugs have developed resistance over some years to a number of pesticides, so what you’re using may be useless. As bed bugs normally hide in spaces that cannot be penetrated by things such as foggers or spray, it may be difficult for these products to work. You may also require taking extra precautions from these chemicals. They may be damaging to your pets and family if used inappropriately.

The Final Note 

Professional pest control can make the process easier and fast. That’s why you should call a reputed one to make sure not only they offer a fabulous service but also prevent bed bugs from coming back.

Why Should You Opt For A Licensed Pest Control Company?

December 29th, 2021 by

Infestation of pests is an important problem that residents face continuously. Some common pests they spot crawling or flying in the home include bed bugs, ants, cockroaches, spiders, rodents, and termites. They reproduce fast, pose a risk of damaging your property, and compromise the health of the occupants. It’s vital to eliminate them as quickly as possible for safety.

While solutions of DIY pest control appear profitable, they only offer provisional relief and are improbable to attain the preferred results. The finest approach is to depend on a licensed pest control company. Only they can manage, protect and control the house against these irritating creatures.

Here are listed some vital advantages of allowing the experts to handle pest infestations:

Fast identification & assured pest removal

It’s first crucial to recognize the pest and its entrance points prior to determining the greatest elimination method. Different pests need exact methods and products for effective elimination. Experts have the experience and skill to make it work in no time. They fast categorize and make a modified removal plan based on the extent and type of pest infestation.

A licensed pest control company offer high-quality services that come with an assurance for ultimate customer contentment.

Use of effective methods and safe products

Over-the-counter pesticides that DIY method lovers use have hazardous toxins and chemicals, and their misuse is damaging to an individual’s health. Pest control services utilise eco-friendly and safe products without any side effects.

Save money and time

Well-timed use of the correct pest control techniques at regular breaks is the right way to eliminate a pest infestation. Usually, DIY solutions depend on error and trial, wasting valuable time and money on unreliable and ineffective products. Experts use the effective techniques the first time to remove pests as fast as possible, saving homeowners money, stress and time.

Keeps your home damage-free and safe

Pests pose severe threats to the possessions and the structural integrity of a home. They may also cause family members to fall sick. Appoint licensed professionals to keep your house and its occupants healthy from the possible hazards of pest infestations.

In A Nutshell

No matter how you try, you can’t eliminate pests in the way a licensed pest control company does. So, it’ll be better to let them do what you are good at and you stay relaxed during the whole procedure. So, contact a reputed company today for a great pest extermination service.

“Professionals Can Protect Your Property from the Pest Infestation” Is It True?

December 23rd, 2021 by

People love to welcome their guests warmly. But, pests are uninvited guests and never wanted. Sometimes, people get tired of their nuisances. Are you one of those people? If yes, then you must read this blog.

Have you ever thought about the reasons for pest infestation and how to get rid of this? If not, then learn from here. Simple tips can save you from big problems. So, be aware and stick to this blog.

What are the Reasons for Pest Infestations?

According to the dictionary, infestation means “the presence of an unusually large number of insects or animals in a place, typically to cause damage or disease.” However, the pest can get attracted to your property for several reasons such as-

  • Weather changes

  • Seasonal changes

  • Lack of food and water outside

  • Loss of shelter

If they find the solution to all these problems at your place, they will choose to stay here.

Signs that You Need Professional Pest Control Service

If you see more than the normal number of pests in your home or office, you must consider calling professionals. The destructive signs of an infestation conclude-

  • Damaged food in your kitchen or pantry

  • Chewed cardboard, wires, piping, and other things

  • Excessive ashes of wooden wares and accessories

  • Anthills, and so on.

What to Expect from Professional Pest Control Service Providers?

When you find no result after applying all home remedies, call our professionals at Fleming Lawn and Pest Services. Our professionals give you satisfying services including-

  • We provide expert pest control service to remove household insects with an outside perimeter application.

  • Our professionals are dedicated to protecting you and your family from any harmful product inside your property unless extremely needed.

  • Our pest control treatment will give you an insect-free lawn that is an apt place for your kids’ playing.

  • The proper solution to deal with pests and prevent further infestation.

Why Choose Us?

If you want to get a satisfying result, you must rely on us. The reasons are-

  • We provide licensed and trusted pest control services.

  • We strive to give you quality services. This is why we depend on the standard of services rather than the number of cases.

  • Our professionals work 40 hours a week. Therefore, they give proper concentration and care to solve your problem

So, whenever you need this service, hire our professionals at Fleming Lawn and Pest Services and keep your property safe and healthy.

Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Pests And Call Professionals On Time

December 15th, 2021 by

There are a few things that people usually hold up since they are busy doing some other things. However, there are things an individual should never delay, like getting an appointment with a dentist for regular check-ups, going to a physician for an annual checkup, or checking for pest problems at home.

Well, in no way should you ignore pest problems at home. Pests can cause health problems or even harm your home structure in a little while. Imagine having a Christmas party at home and a guest screams seeing a pest! That’s why it’ll be better to cope with pest problems by hiring pest control services immediately after seeing the primary signs of a pest issue. And, in fact, it is most excellent to be realistic and prevent them at the start.

Why Pest Problems Must Always Be Taken Seriously And Contact Professional Exterminators?

A few pests can accomplish severe damage to a home, and also they can be hazardous to health. A few pests like mice and rats are continually chewing up things for keeping their teeth at a convenient length.

Carpenter ants and termites work noiselessly and secretly, making channels through the structure of your house. Bed bugs wait until it is dark and quiet to grow to a scary level. A few insects can carry bacteria and parasites into a home, and while they are digging into the food in the kitchen or pantry, can cause contagion. Bacteria are able to cause a large number of diseases, in addition to the waste in food that will need to be tossed out. These are not hazards you’re allowed to “just shrug your shoulders at” but suggested to appoint pest control professionals.

There are online DIY pest control tips and in a few books, some of which in fact can make a difference. But, most of them will cause more harm than good. Some chemicals or traps recommended there may be untidy and hazardous to handle. And, also these may pose a risk around pets and kids.

Numerous DIY techniques are expensive, have lack usefulness, and are time-consuming. So, calling experts will be the best bet. That is because they know well how to control pests effectively and efficiently. Well-reputed pest control professionals offer an entire range of services that handle different pests in an effective way.

The Final Thought

No matter what you have to take pests seriously for the sake of your health and the structural integrity of your home. So, whenever you see a pest roaming in your house, make sure you contact a professional.

Different Pests & Why Should You Call Professionals For Eliminating Them

December 8th, 2021 by

Pests are a big pain, and in some cases, they can be hazardous for your health as well as for your property. When you observe pests wandering in your home, it’ll be shrewd to hire pest control services as quickly as possible before it becomes a big problem.

Allowing a professional to fight against hazardous pests is a peaceful way to throw them out, as fighting pests on your own may be dangerous. Prior to heading towards how experts may help in controlling pests, discover some common household pests.


Rats are an extremely common pest in households. Indications of its invasion include droppings and teeth marks on electric cables that can certainly be a fire risk. Rats may also spread illnesses and contaminate you & your family.


Termites are probably one of the most destructive pests. It may cause harmful damage to houses. And the most significant part is, these damages aren’t covered by most home insurance policies!


Wasps often are a big issue in people’s backyards. They even enter houses through windows creating issues for homeowners. Large wasps’ nests may have over 25,000 wasps in them! You may find their nests in eaves, wall cavities, trees, underground, and bushes.

Bed bugs

In addition to your bed, you can also find them in cracks and crevices. They suck human blood out and are extremely hard to manage as they spread fast. Pest control services are recommended to throw away bed bugs from your house.

How professional pest control service providers can help in eliminating them all?

Mainly in winter, you will be able to see all these above-mentioned pests in your home. You may overlook their occurrence initially but soon these pests will start carrying harmful diseases. So, overlooking their occurrence may injure you even though the infestation is of a smaller amount.

So, it is essential to get expert help when you see them crawling all over the place. They’ll ensure no pests are present on the property. After you hire them, they’ll inspect your pest infestation initially then establish the course. They’ll use superior products to eliminate all pests you have in home. They’ve licenses and certifications which grant them access to these high-quality products that aren’t available to general people.

The Final Thought

Want a pest-free home this Christmas? Then definitely contact a professional pest control service rather than trying different DIY methods.

Professional vs. DIY Pest Control For A Whole New House!

December 3rd, 2021 by

Are you going through pest problems? Which pests are they? Ants, termites, bed bugs, or mice? The list actually goes on! There’re several different kinds of pests that may attack your house and cause damage. When you see your house beginning to have pest problems, you must decide between appointing a pest control professional and trying to DIY.

In this blog, we’ll discuss the dissimilarities between hiring professional pest control companies and DIY pest control for a new home.


For new houses, you would absolutely want pest infestations to be solved as fast and inexpensively as possible. DIY pest control may look like a reasonably priced option. However, if you’ve never dealt with pest infestations before or do not know what kind of pests are there in the home, the cost may end up being expensive.

If you appoint a professional who knows how to solve pest issues and has the required tools, they will solve your issue rapidly and affordably. Experts say, the pest control service costs depend on the infestation type, how big your house is, and the amount of damage that’s been done.

When choosing DIY pest control, it may end up causing more damage due to the lack of knowledge about pests and tools.


When you go for DIY pest control, you would have to buy all the equipment needed to throw out pests. If those tools aren’t available in your house, it may be difficult to get them at a short notice.

Conversely, getting assistance from professional pest control companies, that have every necessary tool to manage a pest problem.

They’ll come up with strategies immediately for how they’ll solve your situation without having you accomplish anything further at home.


If you attempt to manage pest problems yourself, you may not know what is causing it or how to eliminate the infestation. It is not simple to throw out pests, mainly if you’ve never dealt with them prior to this. You may end up making the issue even worse rather than resolving it as your solution may not be effective to solve the issue. So, choosing professionals will be better.

The bottom line

Pest control is really important when it comes to the safety of your family members and you. Some pests not only affect people’s health but also the structure of a home. So, as soon as you find out you have pests in your home, contact a reputed pest control service provider. Only they are the ones who can solve the issue of pests quite well.

Pest Control: The Significance Of Hiring Professional Exterminators!

November 26th, 2021 by

There’s actually no cause to undervalue the significance of pest control. When your house is infested with damaging pests, appropriate annihilation is required. Or else, things will go out of control really soon and you may have to even leave your property.

This may also create issues not only for your home but also the well-being of you and your family can be disturbed. There are still a number of people who think there’s no requirement for pest control servicesFor them, these below passages will focus on why professional pest control services are so significant.

Why Professional Pest Control Services Are Considered So Significant?

When your home is infested with pests, your house may undergo severe structural damage and that can lead to expensive repairs. Pests are seen to damage even large properties severely and house owners had nothing to do except spending a significant amount of money for repairs.

Monetary concerns about structural damage are a frustrating thing you may have to face when dealing with harmful pests. Do not let those injurious pests damage your property any longer. Rather, contact a dependable pest control service provider immediately.

There’re a few pests that can hurt you or annoy you with their stings and nasty bites. Additionally, with physical pains, a few pests even bring a lot of diseases that may get you and your family members sick. These pests also ruin foodstuff.

At times pest infestation can be very severe. It may even make you leave your home for the sake of the safety of your family of yours. So, if you want you and your family members to be safe and away from harmful pests, call professional pest exterminators now!

Your house needs to be that place where your family and you stay gossiping, worry-free, and laugh hard after a busy day. If pests infest your property, you will never be capable of enjoying the satisfaction and comfort your house can offer.

You will never be capable of sleeping tension-free or even thinking anything else rather than those pests. That’s why when you find pest infestation in your home, call pest control service providers they will help you in getting back those tension-free nights.

The Final Thought

Pest control is one of those services that should never be done by an amateur. That’s why whenever you see pests are invading your home, contact a professional pest exterminator.

4 Frequently Asked Questions You May Have In Mind About Pest Control!

November 19th, 2021 by

Pest control is an extremely significant work and that’s definitely for good causes. Pests not only annoy people but also harm them by spreading harmful diseases and biting.

Individuals, who are in need of pest control servicesoften have a lot of questions in mind but there is no one to answer them correctly. But, here you will be efficiently answered and cleared up from every one of your confusions and worries. So, read this FAQ list and obtain answers to a few frequently asked questions.

Why people should appoint a specialized pest control service when they can perform on their own?

Pests are resilient clusters and are experts at entering and hiding in a home in a few places you will never be able to think of. A pest control professional will know where they must look for those pests and make expert recommendations on what it will take to eradicate or stop pests. Furthermore, an accomplished pest professional is the only person who can apply pesticides.

Is specialized pest control safe for your family and pets?

A well-reputed pest control company’s primary priority will be the protection of its clients. As well as they will also act as brilliant wardens of the environment. They will make a customized program of pest control and use strategic targeting.

This will allow them to use the smallest amount of the products in your pest control whilst providing superior results. All their service providers are skilled in the safe handling and application of each material.

What is the value of frequently scheduled pest services when individuals do not see pests in their houses?

A regularly scheduled service of pest control will stop pests before they become a large issue. It allows the technicians to look at and discover possible signs of pest activity and act immediately to eliminate any kind of threat. A preventative, proactive approach to managing pests may keep your home and family safe from potentially damaging and irritating pests.

Can sprays help in eliminating pest problems?

Unskilled applications of the products of pest control are naturally unproductive and can be dangerous too for adults, pets, and children if used improperly. Also, some pests return if not one has taken proper steps to prevent them. Even within 30 days, new pest infestation may build up.

The bottom line

These FAQs really help people in understanding why pest control services are so important. In addition to that, you also need to contact a reliable pest control service for assuring a great service.

Why Do You Need Experts For Residential Pest Control Services?

November 13th, 2021 by

Because of weather changes, rodents and pests look for a warm and cozy place to hide. Typically, it means that they finish up in a house, becoming an irritation for those living there. These small living things break in objects like food products, wood, and paper.

Often, house owners will use insecticides and pesticides themselves to eliminate these pests. But, this can be dangerous and challenging to do on your own. Rather, discuss with an expert pest control service provider and let them handle your house invaders.

Reputed pest control service providers have the training to handle chemicals correctly and use practices that keeps people safe. Most pest control experts offer reasonably priced services that you can hire easily. Here’re some reasons why should you go for hiring experts for residential pest control services.

Keep Your Family Safe and Healthy

Infestations of pests come with illnesses, including asthma, allergies, and food poisoning. The longer pests are in your house, the more hazardous these circumstances become. A pest exterminator won’t only eradicate the pests in your house but will offer some tips on how to keep them away in the future.

Eradicate Chemical Risk

Handling chemicals comes with a hazard. Whilst most available DIY pest treatments are approved for use at home, you must always make use of caution when handling chemicals you are not familiar with. A skilled technician knows when to make use of the proper chemicals so as not to cause harm to pets or humans.

Identification of Pests

Infrequently, house owners might have trouble recognizing the correct treatment for the pests they have in the home. For instance, there’re numerous kinds of ants, and everyone needs a different treatment. House owners may spend lots of money on trial and mistake to eradicate their pests. But, a pest expert can rapidly recognize and treat the problem.

Save Time

A specialized pest control company will be able to offer more effective and quicker results than if you attempt to control the infestation on your own. Due to the chemicals they readily own and experience, they can fast execute extermination plans and competently eradicate all pests in a comparatively short amount of time.

Avoid Damage

A few pests, like rodents and termites, can cause costly damage to your house if left untreated for long. Avoid having to make costly repairs to your carpets, walls, foundation, or wiring by appointing an expert to deal with the problem.

Stress Less Hiring Professional Pest Control Services

Knowing about a pest issue in your house comes with a lot of stress. Having them in your house may cause you to sleep less. Sticking to DIY processes may add up after some ineffective attempts. Once the pest infestation is dealt with, it will feel like you can breathe again finally! So, don’t hesitate to call professionals for your home’s pest problems.

The final note

If you are ready to take your first step towards a home that’s totally pest-free, contact a well-reputed pest control company. They will do everything they can to make your residence pest-free again.