
Advice From Pest Control Services in Westlake for a New Home Purchase!

April 18th, 2022 by

The last thing you wish is problems and hassles in between the process of buying a new home in Westlake. And to ensure that everything goes smoothly, you need to take a few certain steps. One of those is calling the pest control services in Westlake because they can see those problems that you cannot see with naked eyes, like pest infestations. In a new house, pest infestation is, no doubt, essential!

Tips From Pest Control Services in Westlake to Eradicate Infestation

The most common pest you can find in the new homes while going to purchase is termites. This critter is usually known as the silent destroyer for the foundation of houses. If your new home is made mostly of wood, the chances are that termite infestation can chew through your flooring and even wallpaper. And you may have to spend double to fix all those!

In fact, research shows that termites cause around $5 billion in property damage each year in Westlake. That’s why a termite inspection is necessary before buying a new home or a property to avoid costly repairs, and we, Fleming Lawn and Pest Services are here to help you out.

A termite home inspection helps you determine if there is any termite damage on your property. Also, you can look over the conditions that can cause termite infestations, like cracks and crevices or moisture. We often suggest keeping an eye on the following signs of termite infestation that homeowners often miss:

  • If you have mud tubes on the home exterior, they can be a food source. It means the chances of this pest infestation increase!

  • Do you have softwood anywhere in your home that sounds hollow when you tap on it? There might be termites inside it!

  • When you find the wood structure of your home keeps darkening

  • Sawdust near your wooden furniture

In a nutshell

To avoid the termites, try to keep the woodpiles and firewood away from your home while diverting the rainwater away from exterior walls to prevent moisture that can attract termites. So, if you have found a termite infestation in your new home, contact us now! Stay connected!

Is It Easy to Guess the Indication of Bed Bug Infestation?

April 12th, 2022 by

If you live near Palm Beach Shores, you can’t deny the nuisance of bed bugs at home. Of course, it has always been a grave concern for the homeowners in that area. It’s easy to handle with our Palm Beach Shores pest control services. But the bed bug infestation increases for the lack of knowledge in some residents who miss the indications of bed bugs.

The Indications of Bed Bug Infestation to Find Out

Once you learn the common bed bug signs, you can know when to get our services to control this pest issue. Also, you can get rid of this nuisance at the early stage before it turns into a serious problem.

Tiny and live bedbugs

These smallest crawling critters are more active at night when they come out to feed on blood. But you can find bed bugs even during the daytime when their hunger doesn’t let them wait till night. If you confuse bedbugs with cockroaches, identify them from their tiny sizes like an apple seed, flat body, and brownish or reddish skin.

Red bumps on the skin

As said, bed bugs feed on human blood mostly. Maybe you will not feel any pain when these critters suck your blood, but you can find itchy red bumps on your skin. Mostly, you can find those on arms, legs, back, neck, and other exposed areas.

Bed bug shells

Apart from red bumps, blood stains on your t-shirts, and a bad odor in the room, you can discover mottled bed bug shells beneath your mattress, in the cracks of your furniture, like bed and couches, and along the headboard. The chances of bed bugs are there most where you find these shells.

In a Nutshell

Was it helpful? Let us know! If you want more information about this pest, take an insight into our bed bug overview! Stay connected!

Why Hiring Pest Control Services Worth the Investment?

April 6th, 2022 by

Are you tired of dealing with pests but cannot find a way to remove them? In this case, you can always take help from a professional pest exterminator who has enough expertise in this field. Pest control services save you from dangerous pests and make sure you stay safe. Are you still not confident about hiring professionals for pest control services in Delray Beach? Well, continue reading, and the following section will convince you!

Importance of Hiring Professional Pest Control Services!

Our professional pest control experts can find the infestation properly and make sure the pest will not get the chance to come back. Here is some importance of hiring them.

Keeps Diseases Out

Many pests like rats, bed bugs, and mosquitoes that keep roaming can contaminate your home. And these pests carry diseases that are easily transmittable to humans and animals.

Hiring our pest control expert can save you and your family members from harmful effects. They make sure you don’t get sick from deadly diseases such as malaria, plague, dengue, and asthma!

Reduces Expense on Health Risks

If you hire a random company for pest termination, there is a high chance they will use a chemical-based method. And it can affect your health.

Our pest control service is completely trained and licensed in killing pests. So, it is now easy to drag these dangerous species out of your home without risking your health.

Reduce Allergies and Itching

Many pests like wasp or spider bites cause severe allergies and itching all over your body. But, if you hire our service for pest control in Delray Beach, you can get rid of this situation. Our services ensure to eradicate these stinging pests out of your house. So, you can have peace of mind knowing that you don’t have to face sudden sting from these pests.

You Can Sleep Peacefully

Better sleep is one of the main factors in keeping us healthy. And there is nothing more annoying than waking up at night to find these creepy pests under your bed sheet. If you contact us for pest control service, we will ensure you get a peaceful sleep.

Hopefully, now you have understood the importance of hiring a reliable company for pest control in Delray Beach. To know something more about our procedure, don’t hesitate to give us a call. You can even stay connected with our Twitter page for more updates.

How to Manage Your Home After Lake Worth Pest Control Services

March 28th, 2022 by

In our previous blog, we have discussed what you need to do before our pest control exterminators arrive. If you follow us and our blogs, we hope you didn’t miss that. Today, we are here to tell you what you should carry out once our team of Lake Worth pest control services has done their job and left. Or else you can’t ensure whether the pest control treatment is successful.

What to Do Once Lake Worth Pest Control Services Are Done

Pests are, no doubt, a nightmare for you, and the critters can make your life full of trouble unless you get our services in no time. But after our pest control experts have done their task, your job isn’t over!

Are you ready? Let’s get started, and we recommend following these tips and doing the exact suggested here:

Wait before you step in:

Never enter the home just after the pest control treatment. If you need to vacate your premises or move the stuff back to the place, wait until the time the pest control professionals recommend. Heading back home prior to time can affect your health and reduce the treatment effects.

Never clean immediately:

Yes, our pest control experts don’t leave the mess behind! Yet, you don’t have to mop or clean your premises right after the treatment. In fact, wiping off the premises can lessen the effectiveness of pest control treatment. And if you need to wash any area or clean your home again, ask our pest control experts when you can do so. But we recommend not to get a deep clean of your premises for at least a week!

Make sure to look for pests:

From the day of treatment, keep your eyes on finding the dead pests. It will help you guess whether the frequency diminishes in the trouble spots. And if you find dead critters, be sure to clean those to avoid other pests invading the home by getting attracted to them. To read more info, stay connected!

Fix the leaks:

Once the pear control treatment is done, we advise fixing the cracks and leaking pipes as much as possible. Otherwise, the critters can use those gaps as an entry into your home again, which increases the chance of re-infestation.

Was it helpful? Let us know! If you have found a re-infestation at home, call us and get a quote now to ideate estimated charges. Stay in touch and keep reading our blogs.

How To Know If You Have Bed Bugs? 3 Signs You Must Look For!

February 23rd, 2022 by

Worried about bed bugs in the house?

Bed bugs are extremely difficult to discover and even more difficult to eliminate, mainly if you reside in populated places.

But in spite of their craftiness, it is not impossible for homeowners to identify the early signs of bed bug infestation.

The best way to defend yourself & your family from this blood-sucking, tiny pests is to find out and eliminate them with the help of a pest control professional — prior to they reproduce & spread.

In this blog, we will explain some early signs of bed bugs and where they hide, and how to carry out an easy inspection of your house.


At times, the first clue that anything is wrong comes from the sense of smell. If you see a musty, unusual odor in the bedroom that does not seem to create from a clear source might be a sign of bed bugs.

Bed bugs produce pheromones in regards to being threatened or bothered. These pheromones create some odors that smell somewhat musty or sweet. People experiencing it describe it as similar to coriander, raspberries, almonds, or cilantro.

Usually, pheromones’ smell is faint — almost unnoticeable to the nose. if not you are a trained bed bug detecting canine.


Several people wake up to find strange bites as the primary bed bug sign.

Bed bugs are nocturnal pests that choose to feed on your blood while you sleep. So, their bites normally emerge on skin that’s exposed throughout the night. Common places where we get bitten are hands, legs, and arms.

However, professionals say that bites aren’t sufficient to identify a bed bug issue. That is for the reason that different people react differently to bed bug bites. So, there is no ultimate way to differentiate them from other pest bites. Actually, 35% of people do not exhibit skin reactions to bed bug bites.


Though we do not observe bed bugs when they are feeding on us, they do not always escape unharmed.

After bed bugs become distended with blood, its seed-like, flat look changes into a bloated, round football-like look. If you shift or move your body in sleep, you may squeeze or crush bed bugs that just completed feeding. This will cause bloodstains.

Wrapping Up!

The Advantages of Letting Professionals Handle Your Pest Problems

February 15th, 2022 by

You may avoid getting in touch with a pest control service provider by ignoring small termites trials by thinking it to be risk-free. Soon, you understand that the tiny termite trial has developed into a long trial making ugly patches on the furniture or wall and there’s noticeable damage. Most of the pests if overlooked can reproduce fast and become an irritation. That is why you have to take a look at these top advantages of employing a pest control service provider to manage pests.

Definite results

You can experiment with remedies for handling pests. For instance, you can use cockroach sprays or chalks for eliminating cockroaches from your space. But are you convinced about distinct results from the efforts? If not, then why don’t you hire a company handling pest control? Quality pest control professionals offer pest control service in the most excellent way possible. These companies offer you remedies to efficiently handle pest infestation issues.

Qualified Professionals

Are you irritated seeing valuable objects and food bitten by rats in your home? The traps of rats may or may not be helpful. In addition, rat poison may be unsafe if you’ve pets or kids at home. It’s time to contact professionals.

Leading pest control companies have skilled experts who know the dwellings and behavior of rodents as well as other pests. These qualified experts will help you to look after pest issues with minimal inconvenience.


You may require a termite treatment or cockroach pest control. Reputed pest control companies provide pest inspection & treatment services to assist you expediently managing the pests on the premises. You do not need to go around spraying pest repellants around the home or create a mess using rodent control glues. Pest control companies will carry out the required processes in a stress-free way.

Competent Processes

If you’re in search of pest control services, you must hire a service provider that follows well-organized pest control techniques. A few best pest control companies utilize eco-friendly techniques for managing pests in your place.

Knowledge of pest management

Your pest knowledge may be inadequate. Experts will help you know your pest issues after inspection. You will also find out how to keep pests at bay with their supervision.

Final note

Professional pest control service providers have handled lots of pest issues, so they are bound to be better than you. So, contact them whenever you are having a pest infestation in your home.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Hiring a Pest Control Service

February 10th, 2022 by

Do you think your house has active pest infestations? If yes, you should take the necessary steps to eradicate them quickly. These pests not only create disturbance but also spread illness. And this is the main reason not to let them sneak into your house freely.

We pest control service providers understand eliminating household pests can be tiresome for an ordinary homeowner. Therefore, we advise hiring professional exterminators to get rid of pest infestations. We have the knowledge and the right tools required for the task, which you may not have.

If you need more convincing, we will elaborate. So consider going through the following passage.

Things You Need To Know Before Hiring Pest Control Service

Following are the do’s and don’t you need to know.

Choose Licensed Pest Control Service Providers

When hiring exterminators, choose licensed service providers. We, pest controllers, require a license to run our business. Therefore, assigning non-certified ones could harm the health of you and your family members.

Hire an experienced Service Provider 

Do you need pest control service? Then go for trained and experienced professionals. We reputed exterminators have the experience to deal with those uninvited guests. And our skills to apply the best techniques get you a long-term solution.

Do Not Forget to Research

Asking your friends and relatives to find a reliable pest management service is a good idea. But choosing based on someone’s recommendation is not best. Your home and others may have different pest issues which need assistance. That is why it takes time researching our services or getting help from testimonials.

Ask about The Insurance They Provide

It is noteworthily significant to know what types of insurance a pest control company provides. Renowned companies offer guarantees because your home insurance does not always cover termite treatment.

Make Sure to Read the Fine Print

Another vital thing to do is to know what you are paying. Many companies do not include services like termites or rodents. Thus, make sure the contract covers the type of pest you’re noticing.

Trust Your Intuitions

It is significant to trust your intuition. And dot not hire a high-pressure service provider. We reputed pest controllers do not force customers or snag money.


When you invest in hiring a trusted pest control service, you get reliable treatment with pest-free solutions. Have you ever dealt with a professional exterminator before or not? We believe assigning someone trained and experienced is worth it.

The Greatest Significance To Opt For Professional Pest Control Services

February 3rd, 2022 by

For a few people, winter is not a pleasant season anymore. That is because different pests become more disgusting in winter. So, people become unable to enjoy this amorous season. If you are one of them, now, you will also be able to enjoy this attractive season, as there are several companies offering pest control services.

Experts are accomplished in pest killing. Pests most times carry harmful diseases and infect everybody in a house. The main reason for removing pests from a property is to keep all of you safe as well as healthy.

For instance, pests may leave feces on or near your food. If anyone in your family consumes that food, it may make them sick. That is why the extermination of pests is important. To know some more reasons why professional pest control services are so important, read the passages below.

Reasons Why Professional Pest Control Services Are So Important!

Mainly in winter, you will see pests running here and there in the home. You may overlook their occurrence at the start but these surplus guests will carry harmful viruses that are transmittable easily to your as well as your pet’s body. So, you should definitely not overlook their presence.

Pests can have harmful effects on you as well as your family’s health. The health issues you will develop can also be serious and have lasting effects. So, it is of the utmost importance to get rid of these harmful pests and be on the safest side.

Common house pests like fleas, bed bugs, cockroaches, mosquitoes also spread diseases. Especially if you’ve kids in the home, you should never overlook the significance of specialized pest control services.

Bites of some pests cause allergies and itching all over one’s body. These pest bites not only are annoying but hurting as well. But, if you eradicate pests from your home with taking help of professionals, you can make sure these health issues will never occur.

They will ensure that not a single pest is there on the property to harm you. Itching and allergies are usually caused by bed bugs, fleas, spiders, mosquitoes, and some others. These allergies will harm you but your kid’s sensitive skin will get hurt more. So, removing them is extremely vital.

The Final Thought 

Pests are that unwanted guests you will want to remove as soon as possible. If you delay or choose DIY methods, you may face bad consequences. So, contact them today for an initial consultation.

Signs That Signifies Your Commercial Building Needs Of Pest Treatment

January 29th, 2022 by

When you’re running a business, obvious pest signs may become a huge problem. Pests in commercial buildings may restrain your competence, damage your reputation, and open up to inadequate liabilities. There are a lot of signs that say you’re having a pest issue and you require pest control service. Here is a list of a few common pest signs that will assist you in understanding.

  1. You can see them often!

When you are stepping into your building and something runs hurriedly, or if you switch on the light and see a few movements for some fractions seconds and it goes away suddenly. These are some noticeable and extremely common signs of a pest problem. These are outstanding pointers that something is staying in your building and requires instant attention.

  1. Mysterious Nests Or Holes

If you observe nests of small creatures, well, these are all the proof you need. You saw some creatures’ nests that you may recognize or even don’t. Sometimes you may find nests and don’t know what it actually is. For example, strange holes in furniture or walls are usually an indicator that something is staying in there. If you see these things, then you’ll definitely need commercial pest control.

  1. Insect Droppings or Remains

Droppings or the remains of pests are signs of life. If you see droppings, you must recognize that something is causing them. When you start noticing insect remains, such as small body parts, wings, or other dismemberments, you know you’ve some uninvited guests living in the property.

  1. Damaged Timber

If you run into a few damaged woods, you can have a termite problem. Termites are dreadfully destructive, and it does not take them long to make a lot of damage. If you find evidence of termites, do not be uncertain to get in touch with pest control services. Waiting can end up costing you a significant amount of money.

  1. You Begin To Hear Strange Sounds

It can be a continuous tip-tap of some critters walking, perhaps the scraping of pests against walls or furniture, or maybe you listen to something in the ceilings. If you notice strange sounds, you’re most likely the unwilling property-owner to pests or one pest.

The Final Thought

Whenever you see or feel these signs make sure you contact a reputed service provider. You can ask for recommendations from your friends or family. Or, search online and read reviews.

Some Important Factors About Bed Bugs To Help You Keep Them Away!

January 21st, 2022 by

You have surely heard the expression, “Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.” And as a kid, to you, bed bugs may have been a creature that only exists in bedtime rhymes. But, these pests are real, and if you are like most people, you do not want to find them in your house.

Do you think you have bed bugs in your home?

But how have you got bed bugs? Continue reading to find out what attracts them, in addition to some ways they may make it into your house.

Here are certain things you would like to know about bed bugs.

What Do Bed Bugs Eat?

Bed bugs need the blood of warm-blooded creatures to stay alive. Although they may feed on animals, bed bugs are usually found feeding on human blood.

As bed bugs find their food from warm-blooded creatures, it is natural that they will be attracted to you. Especially, they are attracted to your body heat, some biological signatures, and the carbon dioxide you breathe out.

Actually, they are called bed bugs as they are often found around or on bedding. Crevices and cracks in headboards, bed frames, and box springs make comfy houses for bed bugs waiting for you to rest so that they can get a nice temperate blood meal.

However, it is significant to note that bed bugs may be found outside of a bedroom too. In addition, they feed themselves during the night or day. They don’t wait for much to fall asleep as they are biding their time till you are inactive. So, you could be bitten by bed bugs at any time or anywhere, including in a movie theatre, in public transportation, or in a cab.

How Do People Get Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are experts at hitch-hiking. They are normally transported by people or their possessions, like purses, coats, or suitcases. Relatively any place where you have rested or sat is a location where you can pick up bed bugs. Additionally, individuals who travel or enjoy frequent visits of guests can have a higher risk of getting these bugs.

You may pretty much get bed bugs from public areas like:

  • Bus or train stations
  • Airports
  • Movie theaters
  • Public transportation and more.

The Bottom Line

Bed bugs are outstanding hiders and abundant breeders. So, if you get a minimal idea that they are in your home, make sure you contact a reputed pest control company to exterminate them.