
A Pest Control Guide on House Mouse A Homeowner Must Read!

September 20th, 2022 by

Picture this: You are in the kitchen at midnight and feel like something has just passed you. Yes, you may think that’s a ghost, especially if you watched a horror movie before sleeping. But it’s not really! Instead, that is a cute, tiny, but nuisance house mouse. And the moment you see one, you should realize there can be more. Yet, you shouldn’t delay getting pest control in Greenacres. After all, they can do destructive damage to your home despite their tiny sizes.

Sometimes, you just don’t identify house mice in your home. And we are here to guide you with that. Let’s get started:

Identification of House Mouse

Recent studies show that house mice are generally small, furry, and lightweight. In fact, its entire length is around 5¼ to 7¾ inches, which is equal to the length of an adult rat’s tail! It may sound funny, but their size doesn’t matter when it comes to the damage they cause. Apart from the size, the other ways to recognize a house mouse are their dark-colored smooth fur on the backs and white or light brown bellies while the larger ears with small eyes too.

Signs of House Mouse Infestation

As mentioned above, you can easily recognize a mouse by its appearance. But the following signs can tell you more about their presence:

Damaged goods:

House mice invade homes for shelter, water, and food. Recent research shows, “At least 20 percent of the world’s food is eaten or contaminated by rats and mice each year.” Hence, you can ideate how these critters can damage your food containers to reach the goods you store in the kitchen pantry. So, when you find damaged goods, you should blame the mice and take some action to prevent their infestation.

Gnaw and rub marks:

House mice always leave signs of presence around their holes or surfaces while finding food or trying to make an entrance. Also, you can often find these common household pests to make dirty rub marks on the walls that usually happen when they move throughout the premises.

Runways and footprints:

Mice use the same path to reach their holes and food along the walls. Yet, it’s obvious you get the sounds of their runways and see the footprints on the walls. Besides, their long, pointed-end, and rod-shaped droppings are another sign of their infestation.

Where to Look for the Nests of House Mice

Mice usually make their nests in warm parts of your home, like in the attic insulation, unused drawers, or the storage full of papers or clothing. And these critters choose the area for their nests that remain undisturbed.

In Conclusion

House mice are not only a nuisance but dangerous because they spread diseases through their urine and droppings while contaminating food. Also, they gnaw and chew electric wires that can even cause fire down the road. DIY house mouse traps may work for one or two but not in an infestation. Instead, contact us for pest control in Greenacres and get a long-term solution for mice infestation!

Pest Control in The Acreage: What to Know About Bee Removal?

September 15th, 2022 by

Are you one of those who feel panic and nerve-wracking hearing the buzzing sounds of bees close to them? Then, the last thing you probably wish for is bee infestation on your property. But the mistake you make is when you discover the source of bees, you try to remove that yourself instead of calling us for pest control in The Acreage! But bee removal is not a DIY task. Professional pest control experts handle it best!

Tips from Pest Control Pros: Bee Removal Facts to Know

Relax! You are not the only one who panics when seeing stinging insects. It’s an initial response that comes from most property owners, and we understand that. However, discovering bees around your property from time to time is no wonder, especially when you have a colorful flower garden. But once you have spotted the bee colony, you should call us for bee hive removal rather than trying it yourself!

You may wonder what’s wrong with removing the bee nest yourself when it’s easy to reach. Well, there are two reasons:

First, bee removal is dangerous, especially when you are an amateur at this! After all, the chances of getting bee stings increase for you. Bees feel disturbed and threatened when anyone attacks their hive. Yet, these stinging insects try to sting and come in dozens at a time. Recent studies show that around 5% of the population is found to be allergic to bee stings. And the allergic reaction can be severe when you experience multiple stings from a swarm of bees.

Second, killing the bees, like firing their hives, is not a solution because these insects are a part of the ecosystem. Bumblebees and honeybees have a great role in pollination. Humans depend on bees. Yet, keeping them alive is necessary. And for that, handling the bees with care is important, which only professional pest control experts can do. We try to remove bee nests without hurting the stinging insects and our clients!

Aren’t There Any Bee Removal DIY Treatments?

Yes, there are. But it can do more harm to you than good! In the market, bee sprays are available that are quite effective at killing these stinging insects. Maybe it can provide you with an instant solution to get rid of bees without waiting for our pest control professionals to arrive, assess, and treat them.

But spraying on the bee hives is not the best course of action! The chances of getting stung remain there! After all, the bee spray doesn’t kill these stinging insects every time. Instead, it can trigger them and make those angry enough to attack you.

To Conclude

So, why risk your health when we are at your service for pest control in The Acreage? Contact us when you find the bee problem appears dangerous! We will assess your bee problem and make the treatment strategy accordingly for bee removal because the approach of ‘One-size-fits-all’ doesn’t fit here. Besides, we provide services, even to prevent infestation for common household pests as well. Stay connected!

Pest Control Services or DIY: Which is Best to Eradicate Ants?

September 10th, 2022 by

Maybe ants look small and innocent, but they are not at all! And as they are tiny, these insects can invade indoors from anywhere. Yet, you can find them almost in every home in Jupiter. Generally, most species of ants are nondangerous, but when it comes to food contamination, all are the same. Hence, it’s better to call for pest control services in Jupiter while discovering ant infestation on your premises rather than trying DIY tricks. Let us tell you why!

Why Are Pest Control Services Better Than DIY Tricks to Eliminate Ants?

Recently, pest management professionals have reported that 82 percent of ants are found in apartments and 80 percent in single-family homes. Yet, ant infestation is quite common here, and that’s why the inhabitants of Jupiter use some common remedies to eradicate ants. Such as:

Boric acid and borax:

These two are great alternatives to killing ants. You just need to mix any of this product in any food that attracts ants. And when these insects ingest those, boric acid or borax damages their insides and kills them. In fact, you can use these substances in making ant baits as well.

Ant sprays:

Yes, you may even consider this to kill ants that are easily available in the market. In fact, many people use different essential oils or vinegar to eradicate ant trails. These insects can die instantly once you spray these substances, but it depends on how you use them! For example, when you spray on the trail of ants, you are just discontinuing their path to search for food. But this won’t stop them from finding a way elsewhere.

Ant baits:

You can try making ant baits and traps to eliminate these common household pests from your property. It can be of different forms, like sweet, sticky, or even protein-based gels. You can attract the ants with this and immobilize them, which leaves them dead. In fact, there are different traps available in the market that are easy to place anywhere in your home, from countertops to windowsills to mantels.

Make sure you keep them close to the infestation areas but a little distance, so the ants come there searching for food and get stuck. Also, you can look for some other ant baits involving boric acid to kill them. But in this case, you may need to wait too long here for ants to walk into and die.

To Conclude

Not every ant bait or trap works best on every ant species. So, you may not guess the right one every time! Also, these DIY tricks kill ants that might be guarding the nests or coming to search for food, not all of them, and only when the infestation is minor. When infestation is large, you may have to call for pest control experts!

And, instead of so many futile attempts, it’s wise to let professionals handle it. They use specialized ant sprays and baits to destroy ant nests and end infestation. Well, if you need pest control services in Jupiter, you can contact us. Stay connected!

A Guide on Cockroaches from Pest Control in Jupiter!

August 30th, 2022 by

In Jupiter, you can enjoy a perfect climate all year round! But it’s not only beneficial for the inhabitants living here but the roaches. Maybe you know that cockroaches are filthy and notorious. Yet, when you find a roach infestation creeping into your home, you should probably call us for pest control in Jupiter! Otherwise, even a minor infestation can pose a threat and become dangerous for you and your family. However, there’s more you should know about a roach so you can turn to us before it’s too late! Let us tell you that.

Dangers of Cockroaches: Straight From Pest Control Experts

Research shows that cockroaches are robust to withstand any living condition, even if it’s less than ideal. You can usually find them in dark and damp rooms, like the corners of the basement, attic, and probably in your bedroom if it’s moist and wettish! Recent reports state, “30.4% of Florida homeowners report at least one infestation per year. Also, The National Pest Management Association reports that 63% of homes in the United States contain cockroach allergens.”

And as aforementioned, cockroaches are filthy and a threat to your health and well-being. In fact, studies show that this pest can spread around 33 different diseases, from Salmonella to human pathogens. Roches are the crawling critters that pick up all these diseases while moving on dirty surfaces containing bacteria. Then, they spread it everywhere they walk on, like your food, countertops, dishes, or cabinet doors. When you consume the same food or touch all those surfaces, it causes allergic reactions.

However, you may have so many questions about this common household pest, like many homeowners. And we are here to answer all that so you can ideate better roach infestation. Have a look:

What type of diseases does a cockroach carry?

The roaches carry harmful diseases you often remain unaware of. Recent studies have found that Typhoid fever, Salmonella, E. Coli, gastroenteritis, and Dysentery- such diseases this pest spread. These illnesses can happen even from cockroaches’ exoskeletons that they shed and even their droppings. On the other hand, they can invade your food storage and pantry for meals as these critters are not that picky! Hence, you can fall ill even by consuming contaminated food.

Can cockroaches bite anyone?

To be honest, it’s rare! The cockroaches don’t usually attack humans. Instead, these pests go for food sources. Hence, the roach infestation can be major in your home if there are sufficient available food sources. Still, when you experience signs of unexplained bites, you should blame the bed bugs or fleas for this. However, you should call us for pest control in Jupiter, even in this case.

Do cockroaches cause allergic reactions?

Yes, it may be, especially indoor allergens! The droppings shed parts, and the saliva of the Roches can lead to allergic reactions. You may often experience sneezing and coughing if you have an infestation of these crawlies critters. And if you are an asthma patient, the allergens can trigger your problem in many cases.

Can cockroaches cause food poisoning?

Unfortunately, YES! These pests contaminate food sources even when they walk on the dry goods and your kitchen surfaces, like countertops or cutting boards. Yet, the chances of food poisoning increase like this!

How to stop a cockroach infestation

Since the Roches live in moist and dark places while withstanding different conditions, controlling them without an expert’s help is challenging. Still, you can keep your premises clean to avoid infestation as much as possible! For example, never leave dirty dishes with leftovers or overfilled garbage cans.

Even after so many attempts, if you find cockroach infestation in your home, contact us for pest control in Jupiter! Stay connected!

Professional Mosquito Control Tips to Protect Yourself in Summer!

June 9th, 2022 by

Summer is here already in Jupiter, and it means when the sun is out, so are the mosquitoes! Research shows that Anvil 10+10 is used in the US to control mosquitoes at ground level and as an aerial spray containing Sumithrin and Piperonyl butoxide. Sumithrin is similar to a natural component registered by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is highly effective for killing this insect. But even after applying this, when you find your barbeque fun to get ruined by the pesky mosquitoes attacking you, it’s time you call our professional mosquito control team!

Smart Tips From Professional Mosquito Control Experts to Stay Safe

Do you know that only in North America, over 170 species of mosquitoes are there? Yet, you can understand the importance of professional mosquito control even after applying Anvil 10+10! Also, you need to know how to keep yourself and your family protected from mosquitoes during the summer months. And with our expert tips, you may get some ideas:

Choose the correct apparel:

To stay protected against mosquito bites, you better look for some tightly woven outfits that they cannot penetrate! For example, synthetic fibers that you can find on athletic clothing can keep you safe. But linen or cotton clothes are not a great option to avoid mosquito bites. Contrarily, choose light colors over darker ones because mosquitoes get more attracted to dark-colored clothing. Maybe you find it crazy to set your wardrobe as per an insect’s preference, but you will be thankful to us later!

Keep in mind the peak hours of mosquitoes:

Recent studies say that mosquitoes remain more active between dusk and dawn, especially in the evening and early morning. It’s better to limit your outdoor activity at that time. And if that’s not possible, try to be careful about choosing clothes!

Blow the mosquitoes away:

Maybe you know that mosquitoes are not that great flyers! So, you can shift your barbeque plan to somewhere in a breezy location or where you can arrange fans. Try to keep the airflow at the lower half of your body to avoid mosquitoes!

Bottom Line

The tips mentioned above are essential to follow if you really want to keep the mosquitoes away. Besides these, you can take other measures to protect your home and family from this insect during summertime. And if you find the mosquitoes taking over your backyard, call us for Jupiter pest control services. We ensure the best protection for your family and pets! Stay in touch!

Expert Tips to Do Smart Cockroach Control in Your Home!

June 1st, 2022 by

Are you having trouble with a cockroach infestation in your home? Yes, you can count on us for cockroach control at your Wellington home! Our exterminators have years of experience to deal with pest problems. But we are here today with some smart steps to prevent cockroach infestation at an early stage that you can take! Let’s get started!

How to Do Cockroach Control at Home at an Early Stage

To be honest, you may be accustomed to treating cockroaches, especially in the kitchen. And the foremost reason to prevent this pest infestation at an early stage is their nature of carrying diseases. Yet, while discovering cockroaches crawling in your pantry or over the countertops, you better get our Wellington pest control service to prevent them.

However, you can maintain the following things to stop the infestation at an early stage:

  • Cockroaches love dirt and garbage while the dark places and food source. Yet, you can often find them in the pantry corners or under the sink. The best way to prevent cockroaches from invading your home is to keep your kitchen clean and sparkle every time.
  • Sewers and drains are also ideal places for cockroaches to breed and enter the home. So, make sure you clean those at least once a month to ensure no cockroaches at all!
  • Cockroaches often get attracted to various food sources like sweets, starches, greasy foods, and grains. However, as they are not the pickiest eaters, you can find them on soap, toothpaste, book binding, wallpaper glue, and more.
  • Always keep the garbage cans away from your kitchen and dining premises. Cockroaches love to choose garbage cans to take shelter and enjoy the food sources. Hence, the bacteria keep spreading wherever these pests travel!

In short, if you can’t afford roach infestation at your home, especially in the kitchen, you need to keep your premises clean. Still, if you find cockroach infestation to increase or don’t get the desired results, let our qualified exterminators control that!

In fact, sometimes, DIY eliminates only the cockroaches you can see, not the actual source of infestation! In that case, professional pest control services are best to keep away these critters.

So, whenever you find these signs of cockroach infestations, like droppings, smear marks, shed skin, foul odor, or egg capsule, give us a call! To ensure our pest control treatment and methods, you can check our videos on YouTube! Stay in touch!

Termites Removal: 3 Pest Control Ideas to Get Rid of Termites!

May 27th, 2022 by

Handling pest problems is not new for homeowners living in West Palm Beach. They often have to deal with some common pest species, like bed bugs, rodents, cockroaches, termites, and spiders. Of all these critters, termites prove to be the most damaging and troublesome as well because when you realize termite infestation at home, it means that the damage is already done. Yet, we are here to tell you the early signs of termites and suggest some natural ways to get rid of them.

Pest Control Solution to Remove Termites Naturally

The most common signs of termites infestation at home remain in front of you that you often overlook. Instead, you better look out for these indications:

  • Termite droppings in your home
  • Mud tubes around the corner of your home that termites use for shelter
  • Holes on the dry walls
  • Is your wooden flooring sagging? That’s a sign of termites infestation at home
  • Maze-like patterns on your wooden belongings
  • Doors and windows get stuck

While finding any of these signs on your premises, you should take some steps to prevent the infestation. We suggest following our methods for termite removal in natural ways. Such as:


Generally, termites thrive in damp wooden furniture and dark places. Sunlight exposure is a good idea to kill the termites or reduce the infestation. For example, if you doubt your furniture has termites, bring it outside in the sun. And while there’s a termite nest on a tree, trim the branches to expose them to sunlight.

Cardboard trap:

To control termite infestation, you can place a damp cardboard piece made of cellulose close to the infested spot in your home. Termites usually smell cellulose in the damp cardboard and come to feed on it. Yet, you can pick that and throw it away from home or apply natural insecticide on it.

Make sure you keep repeating the process until you find there’s no termite on the cardboard piece. Still, if you don’t get desired results, contact us for a permanent solution.

Hot or cold treatment:

Termites can survive neither hot temperatures nor cold temperatures. Yet, hot and cold treatments are great ways to prevent termite infestation. Either you can leave the infested wooden furniture exposed to cold temperature (15 degrees) for at least five days or treat it in hot air at a temperature of 140 degrees.

However, if you get professional termite removal from us, you can call us and get a quote if required. Stay in touch!

Expert Tips for Pest Control in Boca Raton for Apartments

May 18th, 2022 by

Not to mention how much effort you will give to pick out the pest infestation if that exists, especially while a landlord or property manager. After all, you want to keep your tenants or employees safe as best possible and ensure that they won’t get affected by pests. The pest problem is no less than a nightmare, and you can do pest control in Boca Raton with the help of our experts. But to ensure the best results, you better follow our guidance provided in today’s blog.

How to Do Pest Control in Boca Raton Apartments With Ease

In most cases, the communication between property managers and employees is barely seen, especially regarding pest problems. Yet, the apartment living experience gets worse when you have to share the workplace with these uninvited guests, the critters. The common household pests in apartments are rodents, mice, cockroaches, bed bugs, and rats. Open communication about pest infestation is crucial to prevent the issue at an early stage.

Apart from this, you can follow these tips below:

  • While buying second-hand furniture, inspect that carefully! The bed bugs and termites can get in your apartment with that.
  • Ask your tenants or the employees to check the deliveries they get. Pests find the cardboard boxes a great place to hide.
  • Regular garbage disposal
  • Once a week vacuuming

In fact, you must have a plan to combat the pest infestation to get the problem under control. And we are here to help you with that! At Fleming Lawn and Pest Services, we offer solutions for commercial pest problems and work closely with property managers. You can follow us on Twitter to find the details!

Our experts ensure that the critters are completely eliminated. Also:

  • We make sure that your tenants or employees know how to deal with pest infestations or avoid the problem by disposing of trash in the right place. For instance, our pest control experts suggest being proactive to keep the apartment pest-free.
  • You can rest assured that you won’t find any trace of a pest problem.

But yes, we can’t tell you the exact time to get the pest control treatment done just from the site inspection and conversation. It depends on your property size, the size of the infestation, and your apartment structure (complexity).

Wrapped Up

In short, you should not take a chance with commercial pest control. And if you find signs of pest infestation in your apartment, contact us! Stay connected!

A Guide From Pest Control Services on Treating Bee Stings!

May 13th, 2022 by

Picture this: You are out with your kids in the backside of our home or nearby park. But suddenly, you find your children being a victim of a bee’s sting. So, now what? Of course, you may be looking for a solution for the bee sting, while you should be sooner than later calling our Royal Palm Beach pest control services. Or else, you may be the next victim!

Pest Control Services Tips to Treat Bee Sting

A survey shows that bees are a nuisance in the areas of Royal Palm Beach, and if you live in a location prone to bee activities, you need to take care of the situation and consider pest control.

So, when a bee stings you or your kids, you should not ignore it. Or else things can get worse, and you can experience allergic reactions on your skin. We suggest following the instructions below and staying careful:

Symptoms of a bee sting

Sometimes, you aren’t aware of the bee stings until seeing the allergic reactions. Generally, you can find redness and swell on your skin where you have been attacked. However, it’s rare when one faces severe allergies from bee stings. Still, you better have an idea of those:

  • Itching

  • Intense red skin

  • Dizziness

  • Nausea

  • Lack of consciousness and more

In more severe cases, the swelling of the throat and face is noticeable and can block breathing sometimes. Yet, you should not delay seeing a doctor! Contrarily, contact us whenever you find any sign of bee infestation on your premises or around your home.

Bee’s sting treatment

We advise three different treatments to cure the bee’s stings. You can follow any of the following:

Home treatment

First, pull off the stinger that the bee leaves and use ice on that area of your skin. Besides, you can apply toothpaste, honey, baking soda, and apple vinegar. Even we advise trying meat tenderizer to reduce the pain and swelling.

Herbal treatment

For the herbal treatment, you can go for the direct application of witch hazel to the affected area of your skin to reduce swelling, itching, and pain. Besides:

  • Apply the mixture of lavender oil and coconut oil or olive oil to the inflammation.

  • Tea tree oil is also effective for easing the pain if you apply it by mixing it with olive or coconut oil.

  • Calendula cream lessens the skin irritation!

However, if you want to know more about Royal Palm Beach pest control services, view us on Google! Stay connected!

Summer Pest Control-What to Look for and How to Stop Them

May 5th, 2022 by

Though nothing beats the summertime in Florida, it can come with uninvited pests. Florida’s summer weather is an ideal paradise for these creepy crawlers. Common summer pests that flock to the states are ants, termites, and spiders. These can wreak havoc on your backyard barbecues and indoors. That is when we come to help!

Our expert remedies and Pest Control approaches eradicate infestations quickly and efficiently. If you would like to learn more about these pests or if you need complete eradication, continue reading.

Pest Control- Most Common Summer Pests

Following are the pestering troubles you might face during summer times.


You might see tiny, aggressive red ants running throughout your home or commercial building. These are most common in large open fields and lawns since they prefer to nest in dry, flat locations.


These pests have become a severe problem faced by many homeowners. Whiteflies get their name from the white, waxy substance covering their wings and bodies. Although shape and size like a small moth, they can cause severe damage to plants.

Drywood Termites

Drywood termites are another common summer pest infestation. Your residential and commercial fences, doors, window frames, and furniture are all at risk of its infestation. In such cases, only reliable pest control is your solution.


These pests love to lurk in cool, dark places to spin their webs and trap food. While most spiders are completely harmless but some can pose serious safety risks.

What You Can Do for Summer Pest Control

The biggest thing you as a homeowner can do for pest control is to clean – inside and out. It includes cleaning your yard and removing piles of leaves and stacks of wood. Ensure there is no standing water outside where mosquitoes can breed. Plus, closely inspect your exterior walls, specifically those around doors and windows.

Keeping the inside of your home clean goes a long way to summer pest control. But do you find all these tasks a little daunting to perform yourself? Then there is no better way than calling pest exterminators. Whatever pests you need exterminating, we offer an array of eradication services. No matter what infestation you have, we will eradicate each pest infestation. And we will make sure those pesky pests stay away for good.


Perhaps the most crucial step you can take in fighting summer bugs is to contact us. We, pest control service providers, know infestations from ants, mosquitoes, and spiders and are here to help.